
List ADT:



#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H

template <typename E>
class List
void operator = (const List&){}
List(const List&){}
virtual ~List(){}

//clear all the content of the List
virtual void clear() = 0;

//Insert an element to list at current location
//item : element to be insert
virtual void insert(const E& item) = 0;

//Append an element to the end of list
//item : element to be append
virtual void append(const E& item) = 0;

//Remove and return current element
//Retrun: element which removed
virtual E remove() = 0;

//Set the current element to the start of list
virtual void moveToStart() = 0;

//Move to end of the list
virtual void moveToEnd() = 0;

//Move to current position one step left
//and no change if at begin
virtual void prev() = 0;

//Move to current position one step right
//and no change if at end
virtual void next() = 0;

//Return : the number of elements in list
virtual int length() const = 0;

//Return : current position of the current element
virtual int currPos() const = 0;

//Set current position
//pos: The position to make current
virtual void moveToPos(int pos) = 0;

//Return : the current element
virtual const E& getValue() const = 0;



Array List 實作介面



using namespace std;
const int defaultSize = 10;

template <typename E>
class AList : public List<E>

int maxSize;
int listSize;
int curr;
E* listArray;

AList( int size = defaultSize)
maxSize = size;
listSize = 0;
curr = 0;
listArray = new E[maxSize];

delete [] listArray;

void clear()
delete [] listArray;
listSize = curr = 0;
listArray = new E[maxSize = defaultSize];

void insert(const E& it )
if(listSize == maxSize)
E* tempArray = new E [maxSize *2];
for(int i = 0 ; i < maxSize ; i++)
tempArray[i] = listArray[i];
delete [] listArray;
listArray = tempArray;
maxSize *= 2;
for(int i = listSize ; i > curr ; i--)
listArray[i] = listArray[i-1];

listArray[curr] = it;

void append(const E& it)
if(listSize == maxSize)
E* tempArray = new E [maxSize *2];
for(int i = 0 ; i < maxSize ; i++)
tempArray[i] = listArray[i];
delete [] listArray;
listArray = tempArray;
maxSize *= 2;
listArray[listSize++] = it;

E remove()
if(length() == 0 ) cerr<<"List is empty"<<endl;

E it = listArray[curr];
for(int i = curr ;i < listSize-1 ;i++)
listArray[i] = listArray[i+1];
listSize -- ;
return it;

void moveToStart()
curr = 0;

void moveToEnd()
curr = listSize ;

void prev()
if(curr != 0) curr = curr--;

void next()
if(curr < listSize) curr++;

int length() const
return listSize;

int currPos() const
return curr;

void moveToPos( int pos)
if(pos >= 0 && pos < listSize) curr = pos;

const E& getValue()const
return listArray[curr];


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